Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We are getting there Dear

David and I have felt we are on the getting there plan, never quite where we thought we would be but you know...Getting There . As I look around today with light sockets dangling plug covers off and just that general look of ..Houston, We have got a problem....I wonder why is it that when we have a problem no one can find it? So, we are getting there and soon electrical debacle shall too pass.

Again, there is always a good side - that being said....everything in the kitchen works fine. So, you might ask what is it that I feed the boys for breakfast. Take a look at experimentation Tuesdays creation - Rocky road Pancakes! The secret to cooking them, a well seasoned cast iron pan and a wipe with a paper towel dipped in veg oil between pancakes. Not my favorite ( I am starting to understand that thing that adults would talk about- to rich for me. Unfortunately, I guess I have entered that adult faze - No comments Dear!) but the boys devoured them.
So, dear that is how things are today. Getting there. Wish you were here. Love Me.

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