Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas All !!!

Well, here it is Christmas...I remember a more magic time when I was a child but it would seem that the retail industry reigns. I could not believe the Christmas ornaments, toys and goodies were put on the shelves in October just before Halloween was over. Soon it will be one long holiday event in every store all year around....are we really buying into this? Do our pocket books open as soon as we here the word SALE? Are we as gullible and dumb as the retail industry sees us as? Does your family try to keep your traditions and religious beliefs in your Christmas? We do, however, it does present problems when every television commercial and store seems to be monetarily motivated. We do as a family have traditions that seem odd to others, most of our ornaments are home made, we all had a hand in them. We invite others who are alone on Christmas and I make a lot of the Christmas presents to family members. We do indulge in commercial activities as well, we set an amount and try to stick to it. As you could see from my husbands present to me (The ring) this years budget totally blown. There is a story behind this purchase and someday I will share it with you all. I enjoy the baking and turkey cooking, the boys enjoying their new things and the sounds of Christmas music...we have more now that all play an instrument and enjoy singing. Mostly, our Christmas and lives are about being together and the importance of spending time....presents mean nothing without your presence. Remember that....if you are unwilling to put in the time how much can that person really mean to you?

Dear is home and it is a Merry Christmas, we were unsure he could make it home. We are one of the lucky ones. We do miss our family members who are not near us but are thankful for the time they give us in other ways.

Merry Christmas All, enjoy the time you spend with your loved ones. Take the time to spend time.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Have you shoveled out yet?

Wow, we are snowed in....but then it would seem, so is the rest of Canada. Our wonderful neighbour, Gord, always snowplows us out to our front door leaving us only the bit to the garage to finish. I am so thankful for good neighbours! I am also thankful for three boys who help! Above my helpers.

Jacob played goalie on the weekend and they won their game 6-4 HURRAY! Being the
Mom of the goalie is stressful! The usual goalie wanted to play out and he scored the first goal! Jacob had a great time and wants to be the goalie but I hope he and the usual goalie can share the position. Jacob was going to play goalie on Sunday but the game was cancelled due to the snow. Above is Jacob about to make a great save. Tristen had a great hockey weekend, as well, he made his first goal!! Which means we are 5 dollars poorer because, for now, we pay for goals.
Oh, did I mention school is cancelled today? Well, the bus was cancelled - school never is, it is today's daycare. Oh, my attitude is showing! I could have driven them but why? I like having them at home and today is a snuggle in and relax until the weather passes day.
That is it Dear and we start with hockey and piano for Jacob this evening! Talk to you soon. Love Us

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Crafting

Finally, I have got myself together and have started the teachers gifts. Soft trees - I found the idea on: check out her web site for other great ideas This is a great gift to have on hand, as well.

Use the template cut your fabric and sew your any embellishments you want on at that time - remembering the seam allowance.

Fold right sides together, sew remembering seam allowance.

Sew bottom (right side in) to the now cone shape and sew leaving and inch open to put the stuffing in. Turn out then stuff. Hand sew the stuffing hole.

Here they are! Have fun and thanks to Little Birds.

What fabric did I use - an old sweater found at a yard sale (For a dollar!) made from lambs wool, which I felted.

Well Dear, that is what I have been up to today. I have to tell you about the generation gap happening right in our own home -

Me to Boys - Hey, Little House on the Prairie is on want to watch?

Jake to Me - Mom, it is Little Mosque on the Prairie, every one knows that!

Wow, I am old! I cannot believe the do not know Little House! Quick hide he records before they start playing Frisbee! I love you Dear and thanks for yesterdays gift. Have a good day everyone, remember to be good to your Dear.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Merry Christmas to Me!!!

I cannot believe it ...along comes a FedEx truck with my Christmas present from Dear. I called him on skype and he said to open it. I am the luckest woman alive!!!! An anniversary band - beautiful . Thank you, Dear, I love it!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Bit of Everything

Today, I conquered the laundry pile!! All is folded and placed in appropriate rooms to be put away but due to 2 boys with violin lessons and 2 boys with hockey practice, this evening, I am afraid that is as far as it will get for today. My part here is done!

It has happened - Winter has arrived and we are getting a blast, over 30 accidents in the city and stopping at stop signs almost impossible. Today, I am thankful for getting our winter tires on last week instead of waiting! You know the whole procrastination factor.

Reflecting on the last few weeks has made me thankful for many other things - My husband loves me and (here it is Dear) I love him. I think I am very lucky for that. We are trying to raise three happy, healthy well adjusted children in light of challenging situations. Dear being away often, family members who refuse to participate (No family is perfect), and life's everyday challenges. Through it all we have each other. and are learning to live with the things we cannot change.

You know life's challenges - to lie or not to lie has been a challenge in the past few weeks for Tristen and I hope from now on he chooses not to. He had a little accident and cut his finger needing 12 stitches. He cut it on the rail of his bed, so he said. He refused the stitches ,as soon as, he saw the needle started screaming - then the Doctor refused to stitch it because of his behaviour. No hockey for a week, at least he was told and a longer healing time. I felt uneasy about the way he said he cut his finger but he has never lied to me so off I went and told people what happened to his finger (Nothing like enlisting your Mom to lie for you). On Remembrance day he refused to wear a button up shirt so I went into his closet to get him one and low and behold his multi tool was sitting opened on the dresser with blood on the blade. Seeing red, literally, would be an understatement. I made it very clear that by the end of the day he would tell m e the truth of what happened and Dear explained to him the implications of what he did. Still he lied until the end of the evening when he told me the truth but in a joking manner! Yes, cocky. So, what do you do for that? We grounded him from hockey (even though he was oked to play ) , he had to apologize to people he lied to and he had to donate 50 dollars to his hockey team. two important things to him - hockey and money. One parent told me I had punished the team by the punishment I gave him- my response NO, I punished him, he punished the team by his behaviour - How did she not see that? Oh well, He lived and is playing again - until and unless he lies again, then no hockey for the rest of the season!

Jacob and Will - they are playing hockey as well. Jacob is going to be the goalie this weekend, he is very excited about that. Will - he just wants to have fun! The pictures top highway along the way, top left Tristen, left Will in his first hockey game and right Jacob waiting to go on.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I know....Bad Blogger.....

I am an avoider, procrastinator - what ever you want to call it I am it1 I know this about myself but still I continue, it is my blog what do I have to fear? I don't know but the longer I stay away the larger the task seems until A)I just avoid it all together and never complete or B) I get my but in gear and dig in to get it
done. Fear makes you freeze, I keep telling myself but more often than not A wins but I much rather prefer the B part of me!
So what have we been up to? Dear was home for most of October and we went to New Brunswick. Some really great things came out of the the trip. We got together with my friend Lori and her family ( It was such a nice evening), Gail and her family (Thanks for dinner!) and I got to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my family. It was a great time. Pictures Left Dear and the boys, right above longest covered bridge below Montreal tunnel and bottom of the post Hopewell Rocks a few of the sites we saw!

Halloween has come and gone - we had Jason (The scary hockey mask wearer), The Tooth Fairy (Guess who) and a cowboy. The boys had a good time, our town has a haunted house and businesses give out candy. Dear and I also went, with Wills class, to a local farms annual corn maze, hay maze, pumpkin patch pick and paint and hot dog\marshmallow roast. That was fun. Will feeding the chickens right.

We rented a rink in a local community for Jacob and Tristen's birthdays, while Dear was home. For the boys who play hockey there is nothing better than skating! Yes, they are still playing hockey - 2 weekends ago there were 7 games in 2 days! Nuts...That is how I feel some days!

It hasn't been with out its difficulties, Dear being home then away again. We get through until he is home again. He and I were just talking about that very thing this morning. I believe I have it easier because the boys are with me and I am busy and able to keep to the same routine but for him everything he knows has been shaken up and he is surrounded by people he doesn't know very well. With that said...I love you Dear. Take care everyone. I will write tomorrow if B wins!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wireless Problems

Dear was home for vacation and fixed the computer. However, I now have wireless issues. I anticipate to be up and running by next Friday. Thanks for your continued patience.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am back...For today

Ok...another computer meltdown - yes it is brand new - security problems, not that I would dis anybody but BELL Canada is not our friend!!!! Anyone living in this province is pretty familiar with the feeling of bashing your head against a 4 inch spike in the wall when communication with the company - this company is incredibly customer unfriendly!!!

So, enough of that. Well, school has started and lunch making is in full force. Tristen and Will began Violin lessons and Will was so excited that now he wants a violin room! Jacob is back at piano and a little bored with the book he is doing - time for a new one I guess. Jacob took piano all summer so he needs a change.

I am thinking what have I been up too.....if you ask the secretary at the school she would say I have nothing better to do than be at the school watching and talking to teachers going on school trips (Yes, already - 2 movies all in french and a trip to the fire dept. also in french) but if not me who?... I think, as she looks at me with quiet disdain. I am home and I want to participate in their education - they go to school to learn and function in french - something I cannot give them but I will be there all the way. I do have a degree but not the patients to home school like another of my very talented friends does - what admiration I have for her choices! So, I am very involved with their school and teachers all parents should be ....please be involved with your child's education If you do not who will? I see so few parents at the school - it is worrisome.

I have started many projects - finishing the fence painting, cleaning and painting the paved driveway, cleaning the siding, painting dressers, finishing a quilt, and staging the house for next spring. Will I get it all done is the question! I am sure I will - no worries! Ha, Ha, Ha!

I do have some sad news to report after much thought and with heavy hearts we decided that 2 dogs were too much. I took Alex and Caramel to have their needles and mentioned to the staff that I need to find a new home for one of them and the dog trainer on staff took Caramel (Now Chandler!). I am so happy for him! I had spread myself too thin and was unable to continue and unfortunately there have been on going issues with the dogs. I am happy to report, however, that both are doing much better now and I feel that they need to be separated to stop the competition for attention. The pecking order was still strong with in them as well because they had never been apart. I spoke to the trainer this morning and she is so thrilled and so are we. I am glad he is fitting into his new home seamlessly. Alex has also adjusted well and I have allowed him a few extras, like he sleeps with me now (Much to Dear's dismay!) yes, he weighs 90lbs and takes up a lot of room but he gets down when he is too hot! He has also been neutered and not feeling too good about it but you know men that area is so sensitive, however, we women seem to take it all in stride!

Oh, how could I have forgotten Hockey season has started, no I am not joking! Believe me Monday night Tristen had a practice in a town 15 min away @ 6:30pm and Jake had one in our town @ 7pm. Can you say driving like mad. No longer though as I looked around the room there were a few of us in the same predicament - we are going to car pool our boys! Thankfully. Yes, Will plays too but on a different night, phew!

So, right now I am at the local library doing this page . Dear will be home mid October and we will ensure all is well with the computer before I start back blogging full time. It will soon be time for Halloween Jacob wants to be the tooth fairy (go figure!), Will a fireman (His career aspiration) and Tristen is thinking of Einstein gone crazy (I have no idea what that will look like!). As I said I will be a way for a time we are going to visit with my father and Gran and spend some time on the beach - mid October is my guesstimate. Sorry no pictures today - I have lots to come!

This was a good idea Dear, the library is so quiet during the day. We will see you next week, cannot wait. Take care all.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Unexpected Downtime

Unfortunately the computer is experiencing problems. Therefore, Penny will be up and running towards the end of October. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thanks.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

No Wonder I Loved the Herb Garden the Moment I Saw the House!

Well, today is a lazy day. I hope it stays that way. I thought I may set the tent up in the backyard tonight and camp out but it looks like rain. Our weather man...Tristen (A keen interest in all things weather) says it is going to, so we may have to put off until tomorrow.

What is the title of this post about...When we came to see our home I loved the kitchen (The most important room to me) and the herb garden (Which I just replanted!). Part of last nights dinner is the reason why - herbed chicken, using Thai basil, columnar basil, golden sage, oregano and lemon grass all from our herb garden! With a little salt, pepper, fresh squeezed lemon and olive oil baked in the oven then freshly grated Parmesan to top it off when it is done! Yummy! the picture on the right is before it entered the oven and above left when it was finished.

So, Dear, that was our day minus the drama - you are already well aware of. Take care and have a good night all.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hockey school is over!

So, it came to an end and I realized that hockey shots look alike for the most part (Sports photographer aficionado I am not!). I also realize I did not like the mornings 6am and by late afternoon (Sitting and watching and waiting-However, I found I am not good at that either....walk, walk, walk - I have to be moving, so the other Moms mentioned.) I was tired. The boys, however, were pumped, after 3 hours of exercise (2hrs on ice and 1 hr off) they were ready for the day. The pictures above - Tristen wide open, Right Jake got a goal (Then pretended to faint!) and Will emerging from the morning mist on the rink surface.

Meal times were a challenge (We left the house at 7am and returned @ 4pm), as soon as you step into the arena greasy fries beckon and call your name but I brought the cooler and made lunches every night for the following day...yeah, not the idea the boys had in mind but better for them. Yes, I did allow them one day of fries! For dinners, I brought the trusty slow cooker out - roast beef one night, beef stew next day ect..

SO, speaking of cooking...I have gotten away with a few sneaky tricks as of late concerning rising the vegetable consumption of the boys. Note pie to the right, Yes that is a whole wheat crust, but more than that it is a sweet potato and squash pie - passed off as pumpkin! Is it a lie if a promise to tell them later, years later, but you know later? I never thicken gravy with corn starch or flour I hand blend in lots of veggies to thicken it - it is still gravy but with at least 2 -3 servings of veggies. Yes, I will tell them later.....when they have children. For dinner last night quiche (Below).

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Measure of a coach

Well, another day at the rink. Will put his skates on for, basically, the first time 2 days ago and is now skating! Jacob and Tristen are fine tuning their skills and really enjoying time on the ice with their friends. Although, the early mornings are brutal , this is a primer for the start of school.

Why have I titled my post this way because if the measure of a hockey school is determined by its staff then our boys have it made. Chird pictured with Tristen above has been a great mentor for the children in this program. I hear this is his 20th year coaching this hockey school and it isn't hard to tell why they have an integrity and an ability to have the children reach their potential and beyond just because they want to please the staff as much as themselves. We were so lucky to have been introduced to this program. Congrats Chird and staff.

So, Dear that was the day. Will has actually learned to glide, Jacob is starting to handle the puck and Tristen is tweaking and expanding his skills and nursing his blisters...I, however, still have no idea of the rules of the game but am just enjoying watching the boys play. Oh, Dear did you realize all our boys are left handers? Me either - I wish someone had of told me before I bought all those sticks! We miss you Dear and wish you were home - talk to you tonight. Have a good night all and remember to give your Dear a hug.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Wow, what a long day! The boys, however felt it went too fast, the first day of hockey school that is. Three boys all different age categories, so classes all at different times - starting at 7:30 am and going until 3:30pm, a long day! Here are a few picture highlights and Dear , I miss you. Have a good day all.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Good Morning Dear!

Hi, well we are up bright and early this morning mostly because of the dogs - they ran off!!ARGHHHHH. After scaring two little black, perhaps, poodles and running amok in the neighbourhood with Tristen trailing behind them I managed to get them in the van and get them home. Not a happy Mom!

So, since we were up breakfast might as well be served. We decided on French toast with fruit topping - see picture. We may go for a hike at the falls today and have lunch. Hockey school starts next week so it will be 5 fun filled days of hockey school photos! Wish you were here, not only so you could get up at the crack of dawn to take the boys to hockey....the fence needs painted and other things! Have a good day all - enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Fée des Dents Arrives Unexpectedly

Dental isn't enough that I usually break teeth
at night, while Dear is away, but now dental trouble starts for the boys. Really, it started last year when Will broke Tristen's newly acquired adult front tooth off in a freak golfing accident! Yes, six months later he had to have a root canal and cap -not good. Today, Jacob (yes the want to be dentist) had a small cavity, in a baby tooth, thank goodness. He gets all frozen the dentist takes position - stops and says I think this will be an extraction this tooth is loose - so, the filling that wasn't!

Jacob was a little upset because the dentist put a special mirror in place, so he could watch the procedure! He wanted the filling so he could watch!!! Disappointment over not getting a filling. But he did get new x rays for his wall and a pack of gum - the smile returned ! As you can see from the picture that baby tooth was huge!

Well, we miss you, Dear. You would have laughed if you could have seen the look of utter disappointment on Jake's face when Dr. R said No filling! The pack of gum managed to divert his attention - He was asking if he could watch someone else get a filling then! I hope he stays focused! Enjoy your day all and may no dental woes be in your future.

Oh, yes ,Will survived after striking his brother with the golf club -many nasty looks were given by his older brother as we raced to the after hours dentist. Tristen survived the root canal - with the help of laughing gas. All was well. And Jacob, well, the Fée des Dents is coming - What could be better!

Monday, August 13, 2007


Ok, Ok , Ok....I know I have been neglectful of my blog! The sky looked as I have felt these past few days, but I noted a little teddy bear coming into the light in the picture. With David away, the house a wreck and my Dad ill I feel as though my life is in a whirlwind. Oh, and hockey school starts this month and I cannot believe our 5 year olds start time is! 8 yr old starts at 8:30 am and 10 year old at 12:30pm (This seemed a reasonable start time for all to me!). We will be in a neighbouring town all day everyday for 6 days...Already I am tired.

Yesterday, we cleaned the garage and on the hockey theme again got the bags packed and ready for hockey school. We got the accumulated mess cleaned up, got rid of a few things and swept the floor...I think we need a shop vac, Dear?! It looks good and the boys were a great help.

Last night....well it was a night for looking at the stars and watching for meteorite's. A neighbour joined us in the yard, we had a fire and watched the sky. It was a great night...the only thing missing Dear to snuggle up with.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

It has been a few days!

Well, here it is in a nut shell...we have power!! Just yesterday but it is here. Thankfully, I really like being home with the boys and another presence in the house (With the exception of Dear!) disturbs me.

Here is what is new with Dear, an honorary person comes to visit his work place a Canadian. He just happens upon the area meets this woman they speak for about a hour. In the conversation it some how comes up that he has a package for the boys and I - Would she bring it back to Canada for him? Which she immediately agrees to. They meet the next day he gives her the package (Which she refuses to take any money for mailing) and again they talk for another hour, she hands him a CD and a current video compilation not available in stores. Dear thinks nothing of it, other than she is friendly and nice to talk with, has never heard of her and goes on his merry way. The woman...Loreena Mckennit Canadian Celtic folk singer..Hello Dear! I cannot believe it...Thank you for sending our package! There is a video below for your enjoyment!

Bonny Portmore

For those who are not familiar with her work.. is a video.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

What has been happening here?

Late nights....and still the electrical is not finished, What is the problem you may ask, a broken wire behind a switch plate in a wall! All of the switches have been rewired, changed and the area was still not working. ARGHHHH. Today it will be your bets.

But, I the unable gardener have again taken the plunge! I went to the store and herbs were on sale (Yes, Dear the word that enchants and mesmerizes me.) .50 cents a plant!!! So, we have this herb Garden built into the brick work. Which had waist high weeds, which were thrown into the weed mountain. Now, it is a beautiful herb garden again.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We are getting there Dear

David and I have felt we are on the getting there plan, never quite where we thought we would be but you know...Getting There . As I look around today with light sockets dangling plug covers off and just that general look of ..Houston, We have got a problem....I wonder why is it that when we have a problem no one can find it? So, we are getting there and soon electrical debacle shall too pass.

Again, there is always a good side - that being said....everything in the kitchen works fine. So, you might ask what is it that I feed the boys for breakfast. Take a look at experimentation Tuesdays creation - Rocky road Pancakes! The secret to cooking them, a well seasoned cast iron pan and a wipe with a paper towel dipped in veg oil between pancakes. Not my favorite ( I am starting to understand that thing that adults would talk about- to rich for me. Unfortunately, I guess I have entered that adult faze - No comments Dear!) but the boys devoured them.
So, dear that is how things are today. Getting there. Wish you were here. Love Me.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Busy, Busy

So, Just a quick post while I get the boys off playing and I get the yard finished and the house cleaned. We have an electrician coming tonight because the lighting in one part of the house has stopped working (Yes, I checked all of the breakers!). So just a picture of another corner of our home.
Hi Dear, hope work is going well. We should know tonight what the problem is. Have a good day all. I will keep you posted (haha).

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Gardeners are nuts!!!

Mean while, while the boys ran off to play baseball,....

The unable gardener strikes again! I just do not get
it......weeding! AAAHHH!!! I am not cut out for this, finally the grass starts growing and now it is growing in places I did not want grass, not to mention the mountain (Yes, the honest truth as you can see from the picture to the left.) of weeds and ever spreading perennials vieying for a spot. I have to resign myself that I am defeated and highly incapable not to mention unwilling to do this. Gardening Guru where are you...Please save me!

On a positive note - see the lush green grass, I did that. Oh and see the tall decorative grass at the edge of the garden, it should be declared an invasive species, it has moved in from my neighbours yard! It looks good but takes over everything.

So Dear, that was my day and I can already tell I am going to pay dearly, Sore back, sore arms and sore feet. Wish you were home to rub them! We miss you!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Well, we managed to use up the blueberries. The picture of the pie is all that is left. I used the same topping for the pie as is listed for the muffins below. It was yummy!

Now, for something a little different....while mowing the lawn. Yes, dear with the push mower (No motor) you did not want to

buy! But, I like it - I had a lawn mower accident, when I was younger (Yes, I still have all my toes and fingers) but now I will not go anywhere near the gas mower. Ok, back on topic. I found the nest to the right and guess what it is made of.... Dog hair, I couldn't believe it I had never seen one like that before. I guess I should be throwing the clumps I find under the couch outside instead of sucking it up with the central vac..who knew!

Have a good day Dear...and thanks for the new clothes. Yes, he showed me new pants and a shirt he bought for me today while we talked on Skype. I am so lucky. Remember, hug your Dear today!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Good for you Muffins

Well, you didn't think I would pick all those blueberries and not use them - much to Jacobs dismay. Yesterday, was blueberry muffin day !
So here is the recipe, created by Me.

Whole Wheat Blueberry flax Muffins


4 c Whole Wheat Flour

1 c Ground Flax Seed

1\2 tsp Cream of Tartar

2 tsp Baking Soda

1c sugar *

1 1\2 tsp cinnamon

1\2 tsp Nutmeg

2 Eggs (beaten)

1 1\2 c Milk (I use soy)

2\3 c melted Butter cooled (I use Becel)

2c Blueberries


1\4c becel

1 c large flake oatmeal
3TBS Flour

1/4c Brown sugar

1tsp cinnamon

pinch of nutmeg

Whisk dry ingredients in a large bowl. Place all wet ingredients in separate bowl and whisk. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add wet all at once - Stir until just mixed. For Topping - In a bowl mix all ingredients with a fork until mealy in appearance, then sprinkle on the muffins. Bake for 15 - 20 min at 350. Enjoy!
*If you have a sweet tooth adding up to 2 c of sugar would be more your taste.

Wish Dear was here to enjoy all the goodies - today, even in this sweltering heat, I will make a pie.

Yes, we had smores last night. They were yummy, sticky and gooey and crunchy all at the same time! The kids enjoyed having the fire and cooking outside. It is nice to get outside relax and just enjoy the time.
Have a good day all and find the time to just relax and enjoy! You too Dear!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A Good Time Was Had By All

Well, we got the berry picking done and the best picker award goes to Jacob. Jacob doesn't eat blueberries and his main concern was filling his dish! With that said - Will and Tristen did not fair too badly. The secret is to give them a small enough dish that they feel the goal is attainable and then presto a full bowl, enough for a pie and muffins! note the pictures Jacob relaxing with Alex and Caramel, Tristen in search of berries and Will having sufficiently filled his belly felt it was time to go home. The look came when I said - Not yet ... incredulous!We were so fortunate to be invited for a boat ride and swim and the Dr and Mrs house. The boys could hardly contain themselves. Doc showed Tristen how to use the oars. Swimming for the Dogs and boys could have gone on all night - They were having so much fun! Jacob to the right jumping off the deck to his brothers waiting in the surf. It was a great day. Oh, and the smores - tonight!