Monday, August 13, 2007


Ok, Ok , Ok....I know I have been neglectful of my blog! The sky looked as I have felt these past few days, but I noted a little teddy bear coming into the light in the picture. With David away, the house a wreck and my Dad ill I feel as though my life is in a whirlwind. Oh, and hockey school starts this month and I cannot believe our 5 year olds start time is! 8 yr old starts at 8:30 am and 10 year old at 12:30pm (This seemed a reasonable start time for all to me!). We will be in a neighbouring town all day everyday for 6 days...Already I am tired.

Yesterday, we cleaned the garage and on the hockey theme again got the bags packed and ready for hockey school. We got the accumulated mess cleaned up, got rid of a few things and swept the floor...I think we need a shop vac, Dear?! It looks good and the boys were a great help.

Last night....well it was a night for looking at the stars and watching for meteorite's. A neighbour joined us in the yard, we had a fire and watched the sky. It was a great night...the only thing missing Dear to snuggle up with.

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