So what have we been up to? Dear was home for most of October and we went to New Brunswick. Some really great things came out of the the trip. We got together with my friend Lori and her family ( It was such a nice evening), Gail and her family (Thanks for dinner!) and I got to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my family. It was a great time. Pictures Left Dear and the boys, right above longest covered bridge below Montreal tunnel and bottom of the post Hopewell Rocks a few of the sites we saw!
Halloween has come and gone - we had Jason (The scary hockey mask wearer), The Tooth Fairy (Guess who) and a cowboy. The boys had a good time, our town has a
haunted house and businesses give out candy. Dear and I also went, with Wills class, to a local farms annual corn maze, hay maze, pumpkin patch pick and paint and hot dog\marshmallow roast. That was fun. Will feeding the chickens right.
We rented a rink in a local community for Jacob and Tristen's birthdays, while Dear was home. For the boys who play hockey there is nothing better than skating! Yes, they are still playing hockey - 2 weekends ago there were 7 games in 2 days! Nuts...That is how I feel some days!
It hasn't been with out its difficulties, Dear being home then away again. We get through until he is home again. He and I were just talking about that very thing this morning. I believe I have it easier because the boys are with me and I am busy and able to keep to the same routine but for him everything he knows has been shaken up and he is surrounded by people he doesn't know very well. With that said...I love you Dear. Take care everyone. I will write tomorrow if B wins!
We rented a rink in a local community for Jacob and Tristen's birthdays, while Dear was home. For the boys who play hockey there is nothing better than skating! Yes, they are still playing hockey - 2 weekends ago there were 7 games in 2 days! Nuts...That is how I feel some days!
It hasn't been with out its difficulties, Dear being home then away again. We get through until he is home again. He and I were just talking about that very thing this morning. I believe I have it easier because the boys are with me and I am busy and able to keep to the same routine but for him everything he knows has been shaken up and he is surrounded by people he doesn't know very well. With that said...I love you Dear. Take care everyone. I will write tomorrow if B wins!

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