Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Crafting

Finally, I have got myself together and have started the teachers gifts. Soft trees - I found the idea on: check out her web site for other great ideas This is a great gift to have on hand, as well.

Use the template cut your fabric and sew your any embellishments you want on at that time - remembering the seam allowance.

Fold right sides together, sew remembering seam allowance.

Sew bottom (right side in) to the now cone shape and sew leaving and inch open to put the stuffing in. Turn out then stuff. Hand sew the stuffing hole.

Here they are! Have fun and thanks to Little Birds.

What fabric did I use - an old sweater found at a yard sale (For a dollar!) made from lambs wool, which I felted.

Well Dear, that is what I have been up to today. I have to tell you about the generation gap happening right in our own home -

Me to Boys - Hey, Little House on the Prairie is on want to watch?

Jake to Me - Mom, it is Little Mosque on the Prairie, every one knows that!

Wow, I am old! I cannot believe the do not know Little House! Quick hide he records before they start playing Frisbee! I love you Dear and thanks for yesterdays gift. Have a good day everyone, remember to be good to your Dear.

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