Ok, so it is about time - I know. Well, the last month has been busy and as you all know Dear has gone but it is not so bad this time, we use Skype to video conference most evenings! It is great, we use to have 300 - 400 hundred dollar phone bills every month - Thing of the past, Thankfully! Now we spend that money on hockey registration, 3 boys playing - ouch.
I promised a look at those lamps I found at the thrift store - no new shades yet but the picture is a corner of our home. The lamps (Only one on the table), candle sticks and side table all thrift finds for under $100 total. I know amazing!
We got most of the previous projects done or, at least, under way to the point of me being able to finish them. In between taking the boys to the pool for swimming lessons, reading club at the library and one has piano and a tutor for the summer. The fall will be a busy time - after the outdoor work is finished the
indoor stuff begins. Dear I found the bookcases for the family room at Ikea, See picture - The closest store that has them - Montréal. Darn, I just might have to visit Lisa!

Well, I have to sign off. Will has become motivated to and wants his training wheels off now!! We will got try. By Dear see you tonight online. Have a good evening all , I will write soon and have new pics of the boys.
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