Saturday, July 14, 2007

Its raining .....again

Another day and raining again. Since Dear left it has rained most days. So finishing the fence is out of the question, Oh the disappointment. T he picture is of the garden gate which did get painted - while Dear was home. So, today we went for a drive - yard sale heaven, even in the rain and got the boys some games. Rainy day fun . Jour de Paye (Pay Day)went over well, 13 Dead End Drive not so much.

The boys are playing quietly, while I sit and write, giving me time to look at pictures and add some. The one to the left is Tristen playing at a concert given by his violin teacher every year - I call it the reluctant virtuoso. He does not find much challenging at school, even reading music came easy but playing the violin has not been easy for him. Causing the same type of rants as the piano player on Sesame Street. Perfectionist.

Jacob (Above to right)- animal master. I do not know how he does it. He is also a dirt magnet just like my brother was. The joker. Wants to be a dentist - yes, a dentist. Here is a conversation in the hockey change room with another player:

Player: Jake you know the team Toronto - I am going to play for them when I grow up, I will help them win. What team are you going to play for?

Jacob: I am not going to play hockey. I am going to be a dentist.

Player: A dentist, WHY?

Jacob: All you hockey players are going to need a good dentist.

The wall paper in
his room - his dental x rays! Go figure.

Will, to the right, just wants to be like his brothers. Although, this one is our healthiest eater - loves red peppers, cherries, peaches ...really most everything. He starts violin in the fall, at his request. He too has become a little joker. Does not like to say sorry, Dear often refers to him as Fonz (Who had the same habit). He loves school so much that the weekends disappoint him! He dreams in french!

We all miss you Dear and hope to see you soon. Take care all and have a good weekend! Remember, any of you can always contact me through the web site email or leave a comment in the comment section at the bottom of a post.

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