Monday, March 31, 2008

Laundry - when will it end!

Today, all day, has been a laundry day. I still have a pile to fold. The pile grew when I decided to wash all of the sheets and blankets - foolish me! At least they will be done.

I saw an interesting spot on the news last night about owls deciding to nest on the grounds of a university campus. They have a live web cam set up so you can which them, here is the link: . It is really fascinating to see them, it is not very often that they are in a public area.

Today, Jake is home with a sore throat and cough. I hope it doesn't go through the house! He has been napping most of the day. Tristen and Will when off as usual this morning, with all the rush and fuss of our morning routine.

Well, Dear that is it I am the laundry queen again. Talk to you soon. Have a good Day all...Got your laundry done?

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