So, Dear, that was our day minus the drama - you are already well aware of. Take care and have a good night all.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
No Wonder I Loved the Herb Garden the Moment I Saw the House!
So, Dear, that was our day minus the drama - you are already well aware of. Take care and have a good night all.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Hockey school is over!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Measure of a coach
Monday, August 20, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007
Good Morning Dear!
So, since we were up breakfast might as well be served. We decided on French toast with fruit topping - see picture. We may go for a hike at the falls today and have lunch. Hockey school starts next week so it will be 5 fun filled days of hockey school photos! Wish you were here, not only so you could get up at the crack of dawn to take the boys to hockey....the fence needs painted and other things! Have a good day all - enjoy your weekend.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Quotes from a 5 year old
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The Fée des Dents Arrives Unexpectedly

Jacob was a little upset because the dentist put a special mirror in place, so he could watch the procedure! He wanted the filling so he could watch!!! Disappointment over not getting a filling. But he did get new x rays for his wall and a pack of gum - the smile returned ! As you can see from the picture that baby tooth was huge!
Well, we miss you, Dear. You would have laughed if you could have seen the look of utter disappointment on Jake's face when Dr. R said No filling! The pack of gum managed to divert his attention - He was asking if he could watch someone else get a filling then! I hope he stays focused! Enjoy your day all and may no dental woes be in your future.
Oh, yes ,Will survived after striking his brother with the golf club -many nasty looks were given by his older brother as we raced to the after hours dentist. Tristen survived the root canal - with the help of laughing gas. All was well. And Jacob, well, the Fée des Dents is coming - What could be better!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Yesterday, we cleaned the garage and on the hockey theme again got the bags packed and ready for hockey school. We got the accumulated mess cleaned up, got rid of a few things and swept the floor...I think we need a shop vac, Dear?! It looks good and the boys were a great help.
Last night....well it was a night for looking at the stars and watching for meteorite's. A neighbour joined us in the yard, we had a fire and watched the sky. It was a great night...the only thing missing Dear to snuggle up with.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
It has been a few days!
Here is what is new with Dear, an honorary person comes to visit his work place a Canadian. He just happens upon the area meets this woman they speak for about a hour. In the conversation it some how comes up that he has a package for the boys and I - Would she bring it back to Canada for him? Which she immediately agrees to. They meet the next day he gives her the package (Which she refuses to take any money for mailing) and again they talk for another hour, she hands him a CD and a current video compilation not available in stores. Dear thinks nothing of it, other than she is friendly and nice to talk with, has never heard of her and goes on his merry way. The woman...Loreena Mckennit Canadian Celtic folk singer..Hello Dear! I cannot believe it...Thank you for sending our package! There is a video below for your enjoyment!