Dear is home - All is Well. That is how it feels - I know, I know some people think how sappy but that is how it is here. We are whole again. It always feels better when we are all together. He is home for a month and then has to go again. This next while will be the challenge, Dear has to go away for 1 yr, for work. He will be home a few times and we will meet at other times. I have such respect for single Moms, I do not know how they do it. People in my situation often compare us to single Moms but I get to look forward to us being together again (That helps me get through) single Moms do not have help coming or anyone to swoop in to rescue them when they need it. I am only temporarily inconvenienced - well in some ways I am not even that. We joke because when he goes I have a vehicle - we only have one, I have freedom in a sense and we have more disposable income - he makes more when he is away. We do, however, have no family where we live, Dears career keeps us moving. There is good and bad in that too. The good is we have grown to depend deeply on each other, the bad no babysitter around the corner. Give and take.
Now for the lighter side of life!
There is something I wanted to talk to you about - I wanted one as soon as I saw it. I thought -WOW. Maybe it will not be your thing but This is Genius - Yes,Little things amuse me (I could make a bad joke at this point but I will refrain)! you seen these, I never have in Canada but yesterday I was visiting and there it was - Hello!! We always buy the xxxl container of natural Peanut butter from Costco and what a mess mixing it up - I store it upside down but somehow that does not help. PEOPLE OF COSTCO -Please, Please stock these!!!! Definitely one of those - Why didn't I think of that? ideas.
Have a good day and enjoy the time your have with you loved ones.
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