Monday, December 3, 2007

Have you shoveled out yet?

Wow, we are snowed in....but then it would seem, so is the rest of Canada. Our wonderful neighbour, Gord, always snowplows us out to our front door leaving us only the bit to the garage to finish. I am so thankful for good neighbours! I am also thankful for three boys who help! Above my helpers.

Jacob played goalie on the weekend and they won their game 6-4 HURRAY! Being the
Mom of the goalie is stressful! The usual goalie wanted to play out and he scored the first goal! Jacob had a great time and wants to be the goalie but I hope he and the usual goalie can share the position. Jacob was going to play goalie on Sunday but the game was cancelled due to the snow. Above is Jacob about to make a great save. Tristen had a great hockey weekend, as well, he made his first goal!! Which means we are 5 dollars poorer because, for now, we pay for goals.
Oh, did I mention school is cancelled today? Well, the bus was cancelled - school never is, it is today's daycare. Oh, my attitude is showing! I could have driven them but why? I like having them at home and today is a snuggle in and relax until the weather passes day.
That is it Dear and we start with hockey and piano for Jacob this evening! Talk to you soon. Love Us

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