Alex that is who! Is it bad that you have a horrible nights sleep because your dog took up too much room in the bed? I have to admit it he is spoiled, but so cuddly warm and when Dear is away he sleeps with me. He does sneak up when Dear is home too but restricts himself to the bottom of the bed. As you can see from the picture, he doesn't mind taking up half of the be or sleeping in!
It has been a quiet weekend - hockey is almost over, only one tournament left next weekend for Jake. So, the boys have been relaxing. More often than not getting into each others spaces and wreaking havoc! They have been so scheduled the last few months freedom has come in with a scream and all the frustration of having nothing to do!

With spring on its way, I cannot say it is here because of the distinctive amount of snow still here, new projects will come up. Jacob has had his bike out over the last few days , Tristen has been playing road hockey and Will has been trying to play in the iced over ditches, which results in a resounding NO - from me.

I received another gift of books from Dear on Friday . Actually, the
Rich Woman by Kim Kiyosaki is quite good in the sense that it reads like a novel and has comprehensive information that is easy to understand. I have not looked at the other yet. So thanks Dear...We are getting there. Have a good day all.